Bathroom Passes For Classrooms

Reduce Meet-Ups with Digital Bathroom Passes

Reduce vandalism, vaping, and bullying while fostering a culture of respect and accountability with Minga’s Digital Bathroom Pass . It’s time to tackle the root of the problem with modern bathroom passes for classrooms that bring an end to unwanted meet-ups.

 A Centralized Hall Pass System

A Proactive Approach to
Reduce Bathroom Meet-Ups

Are your students frequently loitering, vandalizing, or vaping in the bathroom throughout the day? Your school is not alone. To address these issues, paper hall passes won’t cut it, as they provide limited or zero data at all. And vape detectors will only scratch the surface because once they go off, the culprits have already fled the scene. To really combat these unwanted bathroom meet-ups, you need a centralized hall pass system that identifies who has had passes simultaneously, where, and at what time. With this important data, admins can issue strategic and automated hall pass restrictions and consequences to frequent flyers and key bathroom offenders. Start improving control today with digital bathroom passes in the classroom.

Actionable Insights on Student Movement

Manage Student Movement with Centralized Bathroom Passes

Gain valuable insights into student bathroom activity through clear entry and exit data. Easily monitor the flow of students on campus, analyze which bathrooms are always crowded, and identify potential issues or trends. A centralized hall pass system empowers administrators to make proactive, data-driven decisions that promote a safe and secure learning environment. 

Easy Restrictions with “No Party Groups”

Control Who Can Be in the Bathroom Together

Take control of meetups and manage who goes where with our “No Party Groups” feature. Crowds of students who regularly receive hall passes at the same time for the same bathroom can be easily identified. Leverage this data to create automated restrictions on certain groups of students, preventing them from receiving hall passes simultaneously and proactively addressing disruptive behavior.

Unified Hallway Management

How Bathroom Passes Can Create a Culture of Accountability

A centralized digital hall pass system promotes consistency and aligns everyone with campus hallway expectations. Schools can go beyond addressing bathroom meetups and also tackle issues such as violence, vandalism, and bullying. Features such as live countdown timers and student-managed hall passes encourage punctuality and accountability, leading to reduced distractions and increased learning time in the classroom.

Bathroom Passes for Classrooms

By reducing unwanted hallway behaviors, your school can be unburdened by unnecessary interruptions, skyrocket student accountability, and improve academic performance.

“I love hearing students and staff use phrases like ‘get your Minga out’ or ‘show your Minga ID’ to earn ‘bear points’. It’s exciting to hear kids talk about it in the halls and shows they’re truly engaged in school.”

Lea Smith – Associate Principal
Merced Union High, CA,

Why Wait to Take Back
of Your Bathrooms?

Reduce bathroom meet-ups and improve other aspects of your campus operations.