Safety and Security

A Student Engagement Platform
that puts the safety of your students first.

Nothing is more important than the Safety and Security of Students and Staff, that’s why Minga has dedicated extensive time into implementing systems that reach every measurable standard of safety and protection across the nation. To maintain trust we’ve created this page where you can access any and all information you may need regarding our safety systems in place and which regulations we follow.

Common Security Questions

What is Minga?

Minga is a Student Engagement Platform that integrates many student and school tools and resources into one place such as Student ID Cards, Hall Passes, School Communication, Tickets and Event Management and more.

Why do students download Minga on their personal device?

Minga makes it easier for students to access school resources they use on a regular basis on and off campus like their student ID card. For this reason, many students download it on their personal mobile device so they have it with them all the time and it’s easy and convenient for them to access.

Does Minga track location or device activity?

NO, Minga does not track a students location or activity on their mobile device such as browsing or search history.

How does Minga protect the safety of student data?

Data Hosting & Storage

All US schools exclusively connect to our top-tier hosting facility in the USA, managed in collaboration with Google. Both replication and backup data are securely maintained within the US.

Collection/Use/Disclosure of Personal Data

Minga meets United States federal and state standards for data collection, storage and sharing. We never collect unnecessary information, and we never share it outside of your school or district including names or email addresses.

ZERO Advertising Policy

Minga never advertises to students and student or school data is never used to target or direct advertising in any way. Ever.

Content Filtering and Moderation

We have a three (3) step approach to ensure the integrity of content posted to your school Minga.

Member Accountability: There is no anonymous accounts on Minga; every student is represented by their real name. This reduces inappropriate behavior by 99.9%.

AI Filtering and Moderation: The Minga AI Engine automatically scans every post and comment for offensive words, phrases and emojis in addition to content representing bullying, sexting, racism and discrimination. This content is blocked in real time and the user and administrator are notified.

Reporting and Deleting: Anyone on your Minga can report offside content and you can set a report threshold to automatically remove it. Any teacher or administrator can immediately delete content in real time.

google cloud partner
Student Privacy Pledge
ferpa compliant
COPPA Compliant