What Pete Learned at CADA.

Pete – our resident SDR – recently returned from the CADA State Convention. And while he came home with a million take-aways, we challenged him to nail it down to the top 5 things he learned.

So here is what Pete came home with… in his words.

We need to celebrate teachers more.
All I can say is WOW! Teachers are amazing. What they do for their schools and their students… I was blown away. I don’t know how exactly to do this but it is my mission to figure out how to give them the thanks they deserve.

There is limited education or direction around social media in school.
“We just do it.” “We’re not really supposed to do it.” “Not sure if we do it.” I was surprised how many schools didn’t have a strategy around their social conversations and weren’t actively directing their students in how to be a good digital citizen. None of this was a fault… it’s still just an area that is so vast and ever-changing that people don’t know where to start.

Teachers are responsible for SOOOOOO much.
I didn’t fully recognize all the bits and pieces that teachers juggle just to be able to teach their students. Curriculum, technology, engagement, SEL, equipment and tools. And on top of that, they are listeners, mentors, friends, parents, discipliners and cheerleaders.

Every teacher is different. But they are the same.
Before CADA, I had met a number of educators, but never really thought about the vast ocean of teachers out there. And then to find out that they are all so different. Age, personality, background, hobbies – each one of them so unique. But there is a common thread that runs through them all. Every single teacher I met was in their role because they wanted to make a difference.

Conventions are EXHAUSTING!
This was my first conference/convention and I had NO idea that it would kick my butt the way it did. In the moment, I was good – feeding off all the energy around me. But then the plane ride home, and the fatigue set in… and yep – had to take a personal day. I could barely move I was so tired.

So thank you CADA. For giving me a stage to meet with some absolutely amazing people. And for giving me authentic insight into the opportunities and challenges in our schools today.

And thank you for kicking my butt. Can’t wait to do it again next year!

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