boosting school culture as a principal

Boosting School Culture as a Principal

School culture

As the principal and leader of your school, you have a lot on your mind. Strategies for success, student achievement, and staff satisfaction to name a few. But these and many more all have a link to the health of your school culture.

Every school is unique and improving culture and climate is approached differently based on each community’s needs. The common factor, however, is that it begins with you – the principal. But don’t stress, here are some simple things you can do that won’t add to your plate. 

Be In The Halls

When the bell rings and students fill the halls between classes, use this opportunity to step out of your office and into the halls of your school. Greet students, ask athletes how their game was, and bring a positive presence to your school’s hallways. You’ll demonstrate to students, staff, and visiting parents that you are both a present and accessible figure of the community. 

School culture

Stay Collective

Ensure both your staff and students understand your intention to be involved in your school’s vision. Shifting your word choices from ‘you’ to ‘we’ is a conscious and simple way to let everyone know that you are committed to not just being in charge, but leading as well. It will remind everyone that you are a part of the team.

Final School Culture Step: Opening Your Door

As principal you are tasked with making decisions throughout the school year that may not be agreed upon by the rest of your school. Having an open-door policy to ask questions or express disagreement will demonstrate your willingness to listen and hear what your community has to say. And hopefully, perhaps more people will come to you with ideas that will benefit your community.

Though they may seem small, these simple acts have a large impact on school culture. When you’re actively present, being a leader rather than an authority, and inviting others openly for a dialogue, you are a principal that showcases how important the success of the school is to you. If you’re looking to take school culture a step further, make sure to check out our Community and Communication Module. Stay updated on the latest Minga news by following us on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook.

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